College of Liberal Arts Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Committee
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- identifies issues that concern NTTF
- communicates NTTF concerns to Departmental, College & University administration and governance bodies
- communicates Departmental, College & University polity and procedures, and other matters of interest to CLA NTTF
- brings matters of merit and concern to NTTF members and the Committee on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty (CoNTTF) as needed
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CLA Advisory Committee Members are elected. Each member represents no more than 50 faculty and serves a 2-year term.
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- Arts (Art & Art History; Music, Theater, & Dance)
- Humanities (Communication Studies; English; Languages, Literatures & Cultures; Journalism & Technical Communication; Liberal Arts; Philosophy)
- Social Sciences (Anthropology; Economics; Ethnic Studies; History; Political Science; Sociology)
To contact your CLA Advisory Committee Representative and for more information about our members, click here.
College of Liberal Arts Non-Tenure Track Faculty Advisory Committee decisions and accomplishments
- Reviewed NTTF evaluation procedures across the CLA and advised the Dean on existing shortcomings and possible improvements
- Supported the campus CoNTTF and other groups during the process to pass Faculty Manual changes affecting NTTF contracts and appointment types
- Supported the CLA in providing professional development funds for NTTF, in response to a proposal from our committee in 2016
- Hosted a Campus Equity Week event exploring potential uses for CLA NTTF professional development monies—beyond the usual travel funding
- Began the process of developing promotion and rank language, anticipating further Faculty Manual changes to be voted on in Fall 2018
- Organized & Hosted Campus Equity Week (last week in October)
- Organized & Hosted a non-tenure-track faculty Meet & Greet with Dean Ben Withers
- Provided feedback and support to CoNTTF's Action Plan to Transform Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at CSU
- Proposed 3 Action Plans to Dean Withers:
- CLA Evaluation Support for departments and faculty
- Professional Development Program for CLA NTTF equal to that supporting TTF professional development
- CLA-AFC additional admin support for increased committee operations
- Designed, organized, and launched this swanky website so that CLA NTTF might more easily access information about the CLA-AFC.
The CLA Advisory Committee works so that non-tenure-track faculty might live their passions as they foster the scholarly and artistic passions of their students.